Small Business Branding and Design

Branding and Design goes hand in hand. Thinking about developing a brand or website? Let us brainstorm for you. A brand name needs to encompass your ideology, your direction and what you are and say. We see bad domain choices, bad brand names and downright stupid reasons for choosing them everyday. Let us use our marketing experience to develop a brand, that is brandable. If you’re looking for a brand, doesn’t it make sense to make sure it’s brandable? We’ve encountered hundreds of businesses that fail to determine if the brand they’ve chosen is even brandable. If you’re thinking of branding a lemon. Wouldn’t if make sense to make sure that “lemon” is available as a vanity URL at a few social sites at least? Oops, lemon is taken, now your brand is lemon squares, although you just spent $1,000 on printing and another $500 on a logo.

For the last couple of years we’ve seen hundreds of businesses rebrand themselves so they could rank higher in Google Places and such. This is just downright stupid. Google has caught onto that practice and is banning businesses left and right.

What’s a Brand with out a Logo. Yes, we can help you develop a memorable logo.

Ok, so you have a brand, and you have a logo, so you probably need a little corner of the web to put it on. Our design staff can set you up with anything from a simple 1 page businesscard website, to a full blown knock your socks off webtacular with autopilot SEO! We also specialize in forum and Vbulletin website startups and management. We had over 50,000 members on ours when we sold them to

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